FIS and WorldPay Merger: January 2022 Updates

As you are aware, FIS and Worldpay have merged.  SettleMINT EFT and FIS have been working together on the certification and rollout plan for the emulator/translate program. This email explains the process your credit union will go through to begin processing under this new program.

The Plan

Your credit union is scheduled to be moved to the FIS Payments One™ platform in 2022 (dates have been delivered to each credit union individually via email). Your direct interactions with CU*BASE will remain the same, and CU*BASE will continue communicating only with Worldpay as now. The difference is that as of that date, the new program will intercede between Worldpay and FIS Payments One to translate data back and forth between the two platforms. Credit union EFT coordinators will no longer work directly with Worldpay. Instead, you will be working with FIS to train on how to use the Payments One platform.

To illustrate, the diagram below shows how your current interactions work, with your employees interacting directly with both CU*BASE and Worldpay:

The next diagram shows how things will change when your CU is transitioned to the Payments One platform, via the new translator program:

As you can see, your teams will no longer work directly with Worldpay, even though CU*BASE will continue interacting only with Worldpay (CU*BASE is not aware of the FIS platform at all).

SettleMINT EFT will work closely with FIS the day your credit union is set to go live.  We will also ask your credit union to perform some tasks for us to ensure that card ordering and status changes are working as intended. Keep in mind that the translate program can add complexity when troubleshooting or performing research on transaction activity.

Do you offer Temp to Perm cards? As of now, we have been made aware that Temp to Perm is not supported on the Payments One platform. Please be sure to talk to your FIS/Worldpay rep about what this means for you.

Want to make a more permanent move?

If you would like to be scheduled on our 2022 conversion calendar to move off the emulator/translate program so that CU*BASE is interacting directly with the FIS Payments One platform, please contact and we can work on getting a date locked in for you. Otherwise, you will continue operating under the process described above.

What’s Next?

CU*Answers is working with FIS on Full Service (OTB) credit card processing and Augeo rewards. Once we understand what is changing, we can determine an action plan and will follow up to this announcement. Here is what we know now:

  • Full service (OTB) credit cards – We have received the specs from FIS/WorldPay and have created a project for this on our side. As we near the completion of this project, we will reach out and schedule dates to move credit unions to the new Payments One balance and status and payment sweep file processing.
  • Augeo Rewards Points printed on statements – Presently, we receive a file from Augeo and we use that file to populate the reward information on a member’s statement.  We understand this to be changing at the time of the Worldpay/Payments One move.  We also understand this to be an option for the credit unions.  If you have rewards points printed on your members’ statements and would like this to continue when you move to Score Card, please contact SettleMINT EFT to open a project.  The costs of the project and timelines will be provided separately. FIS Score Card Statement Print Rewards | CU*Answers Store (
  • Augeo Rewards SSO connection – Presently, this is where members can select a link and be directed to the Augeo Dream Points site. Once the change is made, your members will no longer have access to this link.  We understand it to be an option for credit unions to use this service with Score Card.  Please contact SettleMINT EFT to open a project – the costs of the project and timelines will be provided separately. FIS Score Card Rewards | CU*Answers Store (

If you have been provided a date from FIS for the items above and you have follow-up questions/concerns, please direct these to