Meet AdvantageCIO: Cooperative Resources for Strengthening Your Cyber Resilience

Cybersecurity is a leading concern for CEOs and technology teams responsible for safeguarding sensitive member data.  The landscape of the financial services industry is constantly changing, and new threats are emerging that can lead to the potential disruption of business operations, harm to your credit union’s reputation, and financial risk.  Join AdvantageCIO’s senior consultants as they review tips on how to evaluate your current approach to cybersecurity and ways you can strengthen its presence moving forward.

This 30-minute session will include:

  • An introduction to Advantage CIO and the people behind the brand
  • An overview of the risk credit unions currently face (including ransomware, denial of service attacks, and other threats to your member data)
  • Strategies to help accurately assess and mitigate the risk as well as prepare for the next cybersecurity exam
  • The many benefits of using a cooperative provider as a vital resource
  • Explore available options for customizing your program
  • How to get your questions answered

Join us on Tuesday, February 22nd

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM ET

Register Today