Have you joined our Conversations on Education yet? Check out what we’ve accomplished since we launched this initiative earlier this year!
- The first Conversations On Education event was hosted in March of 2023. Our next event will take place within the next two months – for more details and to stay in the loop on all of our upcoming events, click here to visit the Conversations On Education webpage.
- Currently, we have more than 40 participants in the Conversations On Education group. If you would like to join our mailing list, you can sign up for free via our store page.
- One of the major topics of discussion thus far has been an exchanging of ideas on how to incorporate Show Me the Steps and the CU*Answers University Courses/Exams into a Training Plan. We’re excited to see where further discussions on these and other hot topics lead us.
Stay tuned for more updates and event details from Conversations On Education!

Interested in joining conversations about other topics? Visit our website to view all of our current groups.