A Note from SettleMINT: Price Increase for Paymentus Products and Services, Plus Transaction Rate Increase

Attention Paymentus Bill Pay Credit Unions

Earlier this year, we shared details on price increases that will be affecting clients using Paymentus bill pay and P2P products (formerly known as Payveris).  As a reminder, all Paymentus products and services will see a 3% price increase, effective July 1st, 2023.

Attached to the associated email is a document which details the updated pricing for both Online and Self-Processing credit unions.  These price increases will be reflected starting with your August 2023 invoice.

In addition to the changes to some of the pass-thru fees from Paymentus, we have also been notified that they will be increasing the postage fee by $0.015 effective August 1st, 2023, based on recent increases by the USPS.  This updated transaction rate will be reflected starting with your September 2023 invoice.

If you have any questions, please reach out to SettleMINT EFT.