HA Rollback Completed – Report Coming Soon

Originally scheduled for September 17th through September 24th, the CU*Answers HA Rollover event was shortened as detailed in the alert posted earlier this week.  As such, the Rollover event is now complete, and the HA Rollback scheduled for this coming Sunday is no longer necessary.  CU*BASE core processing is once again operating from the production data center.

In the days ahead, we will be preparing a gap analysis report on the HA Rollover event, which will include details about the exercise, challenges observed, lessons learned, and recommendations for improving the process.  An announcement will be sent once the report has been finalized and published for your review.

For more information about the CU*Answers High Availability program and Rollover exercises, please visit our website: https://www.cuanswers.com/solutions/business-continuity/high-availability/.