Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

The FFIEC and CFPB are urging credit unions to identify and monitor high-risk activity amongst their member base.  The transaction pattern option within the Abnormal Activity Monitoring CU*BASE tool was designed to assist credit unions with meeting that requirement.  These patterns need to be configured specific to your credit union, as each credit union has a different membership composition.

Our FREE booklet describes the change management and data governance methodology developed by AuditLink for use by our credit union partners.  Click below to visit our online store and order your copy today!

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Additionally, we will be hosting a webinar in November, which will further explore Abnormal Activity Patterns.  Join us for a discussion on how to use your credit union analytics to accurately configure patterns to help mitigate fraud risks and monitor for high-risk accounts.  Click the button below to register today!

Monday, November 13th

4:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Register for Webinar