Client News Moving to Third-Party Service: What You Need to Know

As previously announced, Client News will be shifting to a third-party service, in order to be compliant with Google and Yahoo’s new email requirements.  Starting Wednesday, May 8th, Client News will be delivered through Constant Contact – these emails will still incorporate the same great content you’ve grown familiar with, delivered through a new channel.

Client News email will, by and large, look the same as the copies you are already familiar with.  The most notable difference with the new Constant Contact versions is that these will include additional links/information in the footer.  An unsubscribe link will be located here – if you have staff who no longer wish to receive Client News emails, they simply need to click this link and they will be removed from our mailing list.

As a result of this change, there is a possibility that Client News emails may be funneled to your junk or spam folders – please review and mark our emails as “not junk” and move them to your inbox so that you can continue to stay informed and keep up to date on important tasks, events, Alerts, and reminders from CU*Answers.

What Action is Required of Me?

For any/all credit union employees who are already signed up to receive Client News emails from CU*Answers, these addresses have automatically been migrated over to the new platform.  As such, staff who are currently receiving Client News emails do not need to submit a new store request.  However, if there are employees you would like to have added or removed from the Client News mailing list, you can submit a request via the Writing Team Store.

Continue to Stay Alert and Informed

For further details on the current state of email policy changes, reasons for the changes, and information on what CU*Answers is doing to support these changes, please visit the Kitchen page.