Update to G/L Series for Xtend Shared Branching

You recently may have noticed G/L series 198.xx and 199.xx appearing on your financial statement as Xtend Shared Branching. Beginning in November 2024, Xtend will be moving participating shared branch credit unions from 134.xx income G/Ls, to 199.xx to align with the 999.xx liability G/L. Once the project is completed, the 134.xx series will be released, and available for use.

Series 198.xx and 998.xx are also now blocked for Xtend Shared Branching, and future growth of the program.

Starting in early November, Xtend will begin testing with select credit unions. If you are a current Xtend Shared Branching participant, you will be contacted in November after testing is completed to schedule your changeover. The project is slated to be completed by 04/01/2025.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to info@xtendcu.com and we will be happy to address them with you!