Check Out the New Resources Featured in this Edition of Documentation Digest!

Documentation Digest is your go-to knowledge base for questions relating to CU*BASE software, products and services from CU*Answers. This email series highlights resources that we think your credit union will find helpful, including Help topics, booklets, videos and more! Click on the links below for a deeper dive into each item, and don’t forget to share these with your staff!

Knowledge Base Topics

  • If we have a CD that is set to transfer at maturity, and the CD currently has a ‘3’ freeze code on it, will the CD still transfer at maturity?  Take a look at this NEW topic! (KB 5569)
  • Can we remove the option for members to bump the rate for a CD online?  We no longer want to offer this feature in online banking.  View this NEW topic! (KB 5523)

OnDemand Video

Looking for a quick way to show your staff how they can access loan file action codes in CU*BASE? Check out this video from our Show Me the Steps series!