Reminder: Weekly Report on APSN Transactions Now Available

In case you missed our earlier announcement: in light of the updated guidance from the NCUA, if your credit union would like to manually review and have the option to refund Automated Non-Return (ANR) and Insufficient Funds (NSF) fees for potential Approved Positive, Settled Negative (APSN) debit card transactions, the Asterisk Intelligence team has constructed a weekly report designed to identify suspect transactions.

When is this report generated? How does my credit union work this report? View the comprehensive Knowledge Base article for assistance working the report, and details about the generation of the report. This article also includes a sample report image.

Understand that this report is our good-faith effort to identify these transactions, as far as we are able to with our current data points. You’ll need to investigate further and follow your credit union policies as to potential refunds or ripple effects on other subsequent transactions for that member.

Progress continues on our software development project to capture additional data points and automatically waive these fees before they are charged. Find updates on our progress on the Kitchen page. If you have any additional questions on using the report, please contact the Asterisk Intelligence Team.