Don’t Forget! There’s Still Time to Join the 25.05 CU*BASE Release Beta Pool!

Earn up to a $4,000 CollabRebate* for testing new CU*BASE tools and features coming with the 25.05 release!

Learn more about enhancements coming in the May release, eligibility requirements for joining the beta pool, and what you will need to do to receive the CollabRebate reward.

Interested in joining the Beta Pool?  Use the link below to submit your Beta Pool enrollment form before March 11th. We appreciate your interest!

Apply Today

The beta period for the 25.05 release begins March 30th!

Stay tuned for an additional announcement in the coming weeks, when we will announce the credit unions that have been selected for the 25.05 Beta Pool.

*The base amount will be $2,500, with opportunities to earn more based on engagement. We reserve the right to adjust the CollabRebate based on your active participation and adherence to the beta testing guidelines.