Get Ready for an Online Banking EULA System Update

On Tuesday, April 22, 2025, we will be implementing an updated online banking end-user license agreement (EULA) system, requiring ALL members to re-accept the agreement in order to log into online banking.

What’s Changing?

Please note: the content of the EULA will NOT be changing with this update.

This system update will allow us to begin tracking a permanent record of member acceptance, recording each date, time, and specific EULA version as it is accepted by your members. (This history will begin with this initial rollout and be recorded each time a new EULA is presented, from that point forward.)

Within online banking, members will have access to a new dashboard that displays the history of their EULA acceptance, allowing them to review prior versions. Your credit union will also be able to view a similar dashboard with acceptance records for your members.

Along with the new tracking ability, a new feature within CU Info will become available, allowing you to customize all EULA content. After the dust settles, we’ll send a follow-up announcement explaining the details of how to use the new EULA customization feature.

What Do I Need to Do?

To avoid a flood of calls on day 1, we encourage you to warn your members beforehand (via email/member connect and an announcement on your website) that they will have to re-accept the EULA on April 22nd. You might also reassure members the EULA content is not changing.

To avoid member confusion, we recommend waiting a few weeks before utilizing the new EULA customization feature since it will require all members to re-accept the agreement any time changes are pushed.

If you would like to see the current EULA content, you can review that here: It’s Me 247 EULA or BizLink 247 EULA. (Note that this EULA does not contain the Savvy Money information.)