Your Online Credit Card Portfolio can generate substantial value to your credit union – everything from interest and interchange income to increased member engagement and retention. Your online credit card portfolio not only helps to keep the credit union at the top of members’ wallets but is also an extremely visible differentiator, separating the pricing strategies of national banks to that of your credit union.
Don’t miss a beat – see your portfolio in a new light with an Online Credit Card Scorecard, brought to you in a partnership between CU*Answers’ Asterisk Intelligence and SettleMINT teams! Enjoy enhanced analytical insights into portfolio performance, income and transactional activity, coupled with customized strategic recommendations from our card experts.
To view a sample report, click here. Ready to order your Online Credit Card Scorecard? Click the button below to visit our online store today!
**Disclaimer – having an Online Credit Card Portfolio is a requirement for participating in this service.
Looking for even deeper insights into card activity, denials and enhanced transaction detail such as Card Not Present indicators? CU*BASE now offers 30 days of Card Activity Optics for FREE and is currently developing new CU*BASE tools to expand access to this data. Contact us at to learn more about these capabilities.