It’s Prime Time to Study Your Digital Branch

Online Banking Optics is your “click-tracking” data for It’s Me 247, recording the digital habits and preferences of members as they engage with online banking.  Which members viewed your rate boards?  Do local members use online banking differently than out-of-state members?  How do my business accounts use online banking today?  Which members are using the option to download a copy of their transaction history?

Simple summaries and trends of this data is available today via the CU*BASE Tool #1100 Online Banking Optics: Lite, and Analytics Booth.  Member lists and more detail is available to data warehouse customers via the AI*Engaged* advanced analysis dashboard Online Banking Optics Analysis.

Looking for member detail in the data? To collect member details and additional data on individual actions we track with Online Banking Optics, activate the collection of the full data set – click here to read more.

Prerequisite: a Data Warehouse is required for data storage.

Start Collecting The Full Data Set!


Have questions?  Reach out to us at:

*AI*Engaged is the software application for managing and analyzing warehoused data.  Currently rolling out with existing customers of the Data Warehouse and available soon to all new Data Warehouse customers!