Register for Part 3 of Our Webinar Series on BSA Exams Made Easy!

Successful BSA Audits are a critical component of your credit union’s operations but preparing for a BSA Exam /Audit can be overwhelming.  If you missed our earlier announcement, AuditLink has teamed up with Lillie and Company on our latest White Paper, “Preparing for Your BSA Exam/Audits Made Easy”.  This White Paper can help to ease your concerns and ensure you will always be ready for an external audit or exam and can be requested for FREE via our online store.

AuditLink will be hosting the third of our four-part webinar series, during which we will further explore the “Preparing for Your BSA Exam/Audits Made Easy” White Paper, with insights provided by Jim Vilker, VP of Professional Services.  During this session, Jim will discuss topics including:

  • CDD Member Risk Profile
  • CTR Exemptions
  • Suspicious Activity Monitoring and ARs
  • Monetary Instrument Sales

Click the button below to register – we look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, February 23rd

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET

Register Today