Reminder: New Process to Remove Invalid Member Emails Begins 3/4

Beginning Tuesday, March 4, we will be automating the process to remove bad member emails from CU*BASE when a bounced email report is received from their email address. This new daily process will remove a member email address from their member record so that no further emails are able to be sent to the invalid email until the issue is remedied. This step will reduce the number of bounceback emails received when CU*BASE continues to send emails to a bad email address, reducing the risk of being reported as spam to email providers.

Online, Self-Processing and Site-Four credit unions will all receive this update as of March 4th.

When we receive a bounceback email from a member email address, we will remove the member’s email address from their record and leave a Tracker that contains the bad email address and the reason that we received in the “Invalid Email” message. The removal will also create a maintenance record that can be reviewed in Tool #159 Audit CU File Maintenance (CUFMAINT). If a member’s email is already marked as invalid on the member’s record, it will not be removed (but due diligence in retaining the correct email is strongly recommended). Additionally, these emails and block reasons will be logged in a table in your credit union’s FILExx library called BLOCKEMAIL for further research.

Once you have confirmed a valid email address with the member and/or they have taken steps to remedy reasons for the bounceback, you are able to update the member’s account so that they may again receive email from the credit union.