Applications for Associate Board Members

The Heart of an Owner – Are You Ready?

The lifeblood of any cooperative is the active owner. Cooperatives rely on owners who are active not just as consumers of the cooperative’s products and services, but also as owners with a passion for ensuring the cooperative is the type of organization they want to own.

To be successful, cooperatives must solicit owners who have a shareholder’s soul. This means owners who not only want a return from their cooperative, but act to ensure the cooperative can deliver. An owner with a shareholder’s soul understands the balance between the needs of consumers and owners, and works to maintain that balance, with equal respect for both points of view.

Download the Board Member Handbook for More Information About this Program

Associate Board Member

Participate as a non-voting member in the CU*Answers boardroom, lending your voice to our governance while helping us build a pool of Board-ready candidates that can take on special assignments or fill vacancies between election cycles.


The intent of this program is to maintain an ongoing pool of shareholders that would like the opportunity to serve as needed on board committees. Qualified applicants should submit their desire to serve to any member of the Board Nominating Committee.

The CU*Answers Board of Directors will accept new applications from the end of June through early August each year. Applications will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee and presented to the Board for consideration once each year during the October board meeting. Once selected, new Associate Board Members will begin serving their terms the following January.

Associate Board Members

Qualifications to Serve

Associate Board Members are subject to the same requirements as regular Board members, as described in the current Board Member Handbook. In addition, candidates must meet all of the following qualifications:

  • Applicants must either be the CEO or equivalent of a current CU*Answers stockholder credit union.
  • For the organization to qualify as a CU*Answers stockholder, the organization must own stock and have been an active core processing client for at least one year.
  • Applicants must agree to abide by rules and responsibilities of a CU*Answers Board Member as outlined in the Board Member Handbook.
  • Applicants must be willing to travel and participate in in-person meetings, conference calls, and special events or other meetings.


June 19, 2024