CU*Answers welcomes Polish-American Federal Credit Union

The CU*Answers Conversions team converted over 7,200 members for Polish-American Federal Credit Union to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform in November. The credit union, located in Troy, MI, converted from the Fiserv CUnify Platform.  The $171M credit union has two member locations and is the first of three Michigan credit unions to join the CU*Answers […]

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CU*Answers Network Services welcomes Josh Hanger as Client Support and Operations Manager

Cooperative CUSO CU*Answers is excited to welcome Josh Hanger as its new Client Support and Operations Manager. Josh brings fifteen years of expertise in call center and customer service management. Recently, he led the Appliance Service Plan call center for Consumers Energy, ensuring 24/7 support for over 200,000 subscribers. Josh is committed to significantly improving […]

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CU*Answers welcomes Hawaii First Federal Credit Union

The CU*Answers Conversions team converted over 5,800 members for Hawaii First Federal Credit Union to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform in November. The credit union is the second credit union to join the network on the Island of Hawaii and seventh on the Hawaiian Islands. With its main office located in Kamuela, Hawaii, it brings […]

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CU*Answers assists Greenwood Municipal Federal Credit Union in converting their credit card portfolio on CU*BASE

The CU*Answers Cards & Payments Team converted 740 credit card loans for Greenwood Municipal Federal Credit Union to the CU*BASE online credit card platform. Greenwood Municipal FCU, located in Greenwood, SC, brought their credit card portfolio in-house.  “An exciting benefit for credit unions moving to the online credit card platform is that their members can […]

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CU*Answers assists Calcom Credit Union in converting their credit card portfolio on CU*BASE

The CU*Answers SettleMINT EFT Team converted 651 credit card loans for Calcom Credit Union to CU*BASE online credit card platform. Calcom Credit Union, located in Long Beach, CA, brought their credit card portfolio in-house. “An exciting benefit for credit unions moving to the online credit card platform is that their members have the ability to make […]

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CU*Answers welcomes Fox Federal Credit Union

The CU*Answers Conversions team converted over 3,500 members for Fox Federal Credit Union to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform this month. The credit union is the first bi-coastal credit union to join the network with locations in New York and California.  With its main office located in Los Angeles, CA, it brings assets totaling over […]

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