The CU*Answers Conversions team converted 4,026 members for Casebine Community Credit Union to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform in May. Casebine Community Credit Union located in Burlington, IA converted from the Finastra UltraData platform. The…
CU*Answers welcomes Five Star of Maryland Federal Credit Union
The combined conversions teams at CU*Answers and CUaxis converted 5,056 members for Five Star of Maryland Federal Credit Union to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform in May. Five Star Of Maryland FCU located in Baltimore, MD, converted from the Apex platform. The $57M credit union is the second Maryland credit union to join the CU*Answers […]
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CU*Answers welcomes Generations United FCU
The CU*Answers Conversions team helped launch Generations United FCU on April 8, 2024. This new start up credit union represents the 9th New York credit union to join the CU*Answers family. The credit union, sponsored by the United Church of Christ, will primarily serve employees and members of the church. The organization has 4,700 churches […]
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CU*Answers welcomes three members of the Southern California Credit Union Alliance
The CU*Answers Conversions team converted over 14,000 members for Mattel FCU, Nikkei CU, and CalCom FCU to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform the first quarter of this year. The three credit unions, led by CEO, Jon Hernandez, are located in southern California and converted from Share One. The credit unions, with combined assets totaling over […]
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CU*Answers welcomes two new MemberPass biometric authentication pilot participants
CU*Answers is excited to announce that two additional credit unions will join the MemberPass biometric member authentication pilot: Partnership Financial Credit Union (Morton Grove, IL) and Madison County Federal Credit Union (Anderson, IN). Recently, CU*Answers announced the first of its pilot members, encurage Financial Credit Union Network, whose deployment was initiated in March 2024. In […]
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CU*Answers and Bonifii to launch MemberPass biometric authentication solution for CU*BASE credit unions
Cooperative CUSO CU*Answers recently announced that Bonifii’s state-of-the-art biometric authentication technology will soon be available to CU*BASE® core credit unions. The successful integration of the Bonifii solution, known as MemberPass®, […]
Public Service Credit Union CEO Carolyn Mikesell joins CU*Answers Board of Directors
CU*Answers announced today that Public Service Credit Union (Fort Wayne, IN) CEO Carolyn Mikesell had been appointed as the newest member of the 100% credit union-owned CUSO’s board of directors. […]
CU*Answers welcomes New York Episcopal FCU
The CU*Answers Conversions team helped launch New York Episcopal FCU on January 8, 2024. This new start up credit union represents the 8th New York credit union to join the CU*Answers family. New York Episcopal Federal Credit Union will serve members, parishioners, students, and employees of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, including churches, schools, […]
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CU*Answers welcomes Educational Community Alliance Credit Union
The CU*Answers Conversions team converted 5,830 members for Educational Community Alliance Credit Union to the data processor’s CU*BASE® platform in October. Educational Community Alliance Credit Union located in Toledo, OH […]
CU*Answers assists Pheple Federal Credit Union in converting their credit card portfolio into CU*BASE
The CU*Answers SettleMINT EFT Team is happy to announce Pheple Federal Credit Union located in Greensburg, PA has moved their credit card program to CU*BASE online credit card platform. “Credit […]