Keep Your Board On Board!
The new board sites from CU*Answers allow you to share digital documents for your board meetings, create a rolling calendar for your upcoming meetings and connect your board members. Start sharing your board meeting documents digitally today!
Your board site:
is free with advertising or a very reasonable $25/month without advertising *
- provides a rolling board calendar
- provides a means to share documents digitally
- is easy to manage & update
What you get with a board site:
- a dedicated board website
- privacy by requiring a login to view content
- an administrator account for your accounts and updates
- board member accounts for your board members
- a mobile friendly site – use whatever device you want!
Get Started
* Non-CU*Answers credit union pricing: $25/month with ads, $50/month without ads.
Following are the Getting Started Guides for both Board Site Administrators and Board Site Members.