Members will be able to access their tax forms online via It’s Me 247, just like they do with regular member statements! For a small fee of $500/year you can sign up with the CU*Answers Imaging Solutions team, who will put your members forms online, as well as make them available to staff in CU*BASE.
Buy Member Tax Statements in the Store
A Simple and Affordable Way to Add Value for Members
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can sign up?
- This is available to anyone utilizing CU*Spy for hosting their member statements or anyone who hosts their own statements and also leverages CU*Answers Imaging Solutions release management service.
- When will tax forms be placed online?
- When forms are available to send to the print vendors, they will also be placed online. This happens in late January with the exception of the 5498s, which are placed online at a later date. 1099MISC forms will not be available online.
- I use eDOC to provide tax forms on my in-house server today. Can I use this instead?
- Sure! If you’re subscribed to Imaging Solutions release management service, we’ll not only put them online for your members, but we’ll import them into your server. That’s a savings of $700 over eDOC’s pricing! Not subscribed to release management? Contact us to sign up and we’ll waive the fee for tax forms for the first year!
- How long will you retain the forms online for members?
- The forms will be accessible to staff and members for three years.
- When and what forms?
- The forms will be placed online when they become available to send to your print vendors. That happens mid-late January with the exception of 5498’s which are created in May. The following forms will be available to view:
- 1098
- 1099-C
- 1099-R
- 5498
- 1098-E
- 1099-INT
- 1099-SA
- 5498-ESA
- 1099-A
- 1099-Q
- 5498-SA
NOTE: 1099-MISC forms will not be available online. It is not possible to display only certain types of tax statements or to shut off tax statements for individual members. When turning on tax forms it will be all tax forms listed for all members.
- What does this service cost?
- The price is $500 per year and is billed annually until your credit union elects to discontinue the service.
Ready to get started?