Conversations on Cybersecurity

conversations on cybersecurity

Conversations on Cybersecurity

Welcome to Conversations on Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is on the short list of concerns among CEOs and technology teams who are responsible for safeguarding member data. The landscape is changing on a near constant basis and new threats emerge on an almost daily basis. The impacts of these threats can lead to disruption of business, reputational harm, financial risk, or a combination of all three. Does your staff know how to mitigate the risks? Let’s start the conversation together. This is an open forum discussion on cybersecurity where ideas, insights, and experience about monitoring for and responding to cyber attacks in today’s networked world will be shared.

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Join Us in Celebrating the 75th International Credit Union Day!

Join Us in Celebrating the 75th International Credit Union Day!

Today marks the 75th anniversary of International Credit Union Day.  Credit unions were built upon the principle of “people helping people” and ICU Day celebrates the spirit of the global credit union movement – it is a day to reflect upon the credit union movement’s history, promote its achievements, recognize hard work and share member… Read more »

Oct 19, 2023

It’s Time for IBM iAccess Upgrades! Complete Yours by 1/31/2024

It’s Time for IBM iAccess Upgrades!  Complete Yours by 1/31/2024

It’s time to upgrade IBM iAccess (used for print sessions) to – this update is required for all CU*Answers clients, in order to keep workstations up to date with currently-supported software.  The updates will need to be applied to all of your CU*BASE workstations and must be completed by 1/31/2024. Your IT staff can… Read more »

Oct 3, 2023

Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

The FFIEC and CFPB are urging credit unions to identify and monitor high-risk activity amongst their member base.  The transaction pattern option within the Abnormal Activity Monitoring CU*BASE tool was designed to assist credit unions with meeting that requirement.  These patterns need to be configured specific to your credit union, as each credit union has… Read more »

Oct 3, 2023