This class focuses on selling loans to members. From the initial "hello, how are you?" to the "where would you like your loan funds?" this class shows how CU*BASE can make every credit union staff member an effective loan sales rep.
The key to making a member a lifetime borrower is an interactive lending database that tracks the members application information the entire time that member is active. This database creates a state of readiness that can be accessed for use not only by credit union staff but for the online banking products of the future.
How do you sell a loan? Are your members "on line" or do they still fill out applications, wait in line, and wonder why you don't remember them since the last time they needed a loan?
This class is designed for all credit union personnel involved in selling loans to members.
By the completion of this course, students will have:
nAnalyzed the steps and components of a loan interview from start through closing.
nDiscussed the measurement of a loan department's output.
n Discussed additional uses for underwriting databases.
nDefined the key components of approving or denying a member loan request.
- Loan Quoter
- Loan Requests and Working with the Electronic Loan File
- Credit Reports
- Outstanding Loans
- Open-End Loan Contract
- Risk-Based Lending
- Loan Application Processing and Household Enrollment
- Printing Loan Forms
- Creating Loans and Disbursing Funds
- Loan File Verification
- Underwriting Databases:
- Member Written Applications
- Online Household Database
- Online Archived Applications