5.20W Organizing a Loan Department and Servicing Loans on CU*BASE



When was the last time you flowcharted your loan department? In other words, what is the maze that a member must navigate through to get a loan in your credit union? Are there unnecessary steps, costs, or annoyances that are keeping your members from choosing you as their first option?


How is a loan approval different from a credit union denial or turning down a member? What sales and marketing tools do your loan officers use to increase lending opportunities? This class focuses on analyzing every aspect of the lending department, looking at all processes from an operational efficiency standpoint.


This class is designed for all lending personnel, and will also be helpful to senior management and lending leaders interested in a broad perspective of their loan department.


By the completion of this course, participants will have:

n Discussed a general overview of the credit unions loan department, from sales and marketing through the interview and decision process, to final approval and servicing

n Examined how CU*BASE can improve the work flow of member lending

n Identified key job descriptions in a credit union loan department and defined the role of all credit union departments in the servicing of loans

n Discussed designing loan products based on member needs and motivations

n Explored the credit union options and responsibilities after the loan has been approved

n Discussed how loan personnel can communicate to other departments for positive member results


n Understanding the impact of the Household database

§ Defining a credit union policy

n Centralized lending tools

n Configuration options

§ Interest-rate calculations

§ Payment methods

§ Payment matrix

§ Variable-rate loans

§ Risk-based and relationship lending

n Pledged shares and miscellaneous secured shares

n Denial features and the denied database

n Disbursement methods and matching loan products to member lifestyles

n Statistical analysis

§ Loan-activity analysis

§ Applications vs. denials vs. approvals

n Analyzing loan-account inquiries

n Identifying potential servicing problems (next pay dates, payment frequencies, AFT, ACH/payroll)

n Understanding CU*BASE payment history

Course Schedule

Future times and dates are to be determined.