Special Events Training
Our credit union processes transactions, every minute, every hour, every day. Thousands of pieces of data are collected and stored. With Analytics Booth track and trend all of your data and have it delivered to you however, and wherever you want it. Being a CLO will never be the same again. Join the Analytics Booth Executive Management series to monetize your data using automated tools that create visually appealing insights and statistical analysis you can use to measure how your lending portfolio is performing.
Credit Unions using CU*BASE
*Inform - See Analytics Booth as the foundation for monitoring credit union Lending initiatives
* Educate - See Analytics Booth as the engine for automating reports and creating visually appealing insights
* Value - See how and where CLO's use Analytics Booth for real time performance monitoring measuring the effectiveness of their credit unions lending programs.
* A brief introduction to Analytics Booth and the people that drive it
* The purpose of Analytics Booth
* Learn how CLO's use and benefit from Analytics booth
*Setting yourself up for success in 10 minutes or less