SE.AUD24 Meet AuditLink - A cooperative approach to vendor management



AuditLink maintains the most robust and relative database of vendor due diligence and intelligence in the county. We set the standards for vendor due diligence for a national audience. Meet AuditLink focuses on Vendor Management, Contract Management and the people who drive the innovation and technology that sets us apart from all others.


Credit Union Executives and Managers Responsible for vendor due diligence.


These brief 30-minute sessions will introduce participants to Audit Link and our Vendor & Contract Management Platforms. Sessions will include a discussion on the importance of cooperative platform management. Participants will leave having plugged into key vendor resources within our network relative to vendor management auditing and compliance.


* Introduction to AuditLink
* What is cooperative vendor management
* Introduction to our unique cooperative vendor & contract management due diligence platforms

Course Schedule

Future times and dates are to be determined.