Special Events Training
This group provides an open forum to talk about fraud prevention, fraud detection, emerging risks, current issues, best practices, and more. Credit unions drive the conversations and share knowledge with each other, and our teams share tips for CU*BASE tools for monitoring and mitigating fraud risk.
Designed for Credit Union Executives, Managers and Supervisory Committee responsible for mitigating fraud.
Credit unions taking fraud prevention serious know their fraud risk. Making fraud a part of your credit unions ongoing conversation can be challenging. Conversations on Fraud is designed to start the dialogue. Join your peers for an ongoing conversation in this monthly series.
Is fraud prevention a part of your organization’s ongoing conversation regarding your mission, vision, and goals? Does your staff know their risks and either mitigate or accept them? Is it all to common to have long-term trusted employees or family be the fraudster? Do you have a plan to trust and verify your staff? Let's start the conversation together.
*Watch CU*Answers Client News for Announcements on Guest Speakers