Debit Card Round-up Enhancements

Allow Members to Donate Round-ups to Charity!

This project adds some new features to the existing Debit Card Round-up feature so that members can elect to have their daily round-up deposit transferred to a charity of their choice. This is based on a request by Generations United FCU, who wants to allow their members to donate to the United Church of Christ or other affiliated institution.

Since members can already opt in for the debit card round-up program in online and mobile banking, this project will expand that existing module to allow for a second option for transferring the round-up funds each day: either to another sub-account like now, or to one of the CU’s defined charities. The same functionality will also be available when a CU employee is opting a member in via CU*BASE.

The calculation and transfer process will remain the same, but if a charity has been selected, behind the scenes the system will simply transfer the funds to the G/L account associated with that charity.  Daily round-up reports will show a total of transfers by G/L, and the CU will manually transmit those funds to the charity through whatever means they wish.

Status as of February 2024: Project #62454 is currently in development.


Chef for this recipe:  Dawn Moore

June 4, 2024

Check Out the New Recipes We’re Cooking in the Kitchen!

Check Out the New Recipes We’re Cooking in the Kitchen!

Have you visited the Kitchen lately?  If not, we invite you to take a look at a few of our latest projects: Account Aggregation Features for Online Banking Artificial Intelligence Strategies Debit Card Round-up Enhancements Unique Account Identifiers Vendor Interfaces We’re Working On Additionally, there have been significant updates to the following recipes: ANR/NSF Fees… Read more »

Dec 19, 2023