Custom Laser Loan Form Requests

This project management is the process of updating, correcting, enhancing or creating new laser loan forms. This process requires the coordination of external vendors with CU*Answers programming. The implementation time required is based on programmer availability, timeliness and quality of vendor files and the number of current projects outstanding. Custom programming begins upon CU*Answers’ receipt of authorization from your credit union.

Announcements & Status

  • Estimated new project turnaround time is 12-16 weeks.

Process Timelines

Process Task Approximate Time
Days to Review & Bid Request 2 weeks
Average Time for Programming New Forms Request up to 12 weeks
Average Time for Programming Corrections or Modifications 2 – 4 weeks
Average Time for Testing and Implementation 4 weeks

Principal Contacts at CU*Answers


Existing Vendor Relations

  • CUNA Mutual Group
  • Minnesota Mutual
  • Oak Tree Business Systems, Inc.
  • Conmar Systems, Inc.
  • WCUL
  • Madison National Life
  • Securian
  • CU Documents/ CU Solutions
  • Wolters Kluwer
  • Financial Forms

Generic Forms on CU*BASE

These are free for your credit union to use and already programmed.

  • Standard Loan Application
  • Short Loan Application
  • Loan Officer Worksheet
  • Denial Notice

Getting Started With Laser Forms

Whether you are just starting with laser loan forms altogether, adding new forms, switching vendors or just revising an existing form, you should follow these four steps:

  1. Contact your forms vendor to discuss which forms you will need
  2. Request that the vendor email the form files to Lender*VP Forms at
    *Please note the file types we accept: .prn (preferred), .ifd, and .pcl. Also, you will want to notify CU*Answers at the time you order the forms if a certain implementation date will be required.
  3. Review the bid and forms CU*Answers faxes to you
    *Please make sure to review these forms carefully before we begin programming.
  4. Submit the authorization approval via email/fax to CU*Answers and the programming process will begin (usually up to 12 weeks for completion)

CU*Answers will notify you when the forms are ready for you to test.

Current Laser Form Pricing

*All forms are considered “custom” to your credit union (except WCUL forms and the generic loan application.)

New Forms: Cost $250 per page but may be higher depending on how much programming is involved.
Updated forms: Cost $100 per page but may be higher if data placement has changed, or additional programming is needed.
Enhancements: Costs $100 – $250 per page, depending on the enhancement you request.
December 19, 2019