Submit an IdeaForm

Idea Forms
What is an Idea Form?
Think suggestion box. A place to dream, and to engage others who might share your dream and be able to make it come true.
Just remember that like a suggestion box, it’s not a formal request for work to be done. We may not always be in a position to invest the resources in every idea that comes along, even if it’s a great one!
What if I’m willing to pay for this?
Is your idea more than just a suggestion, but a project where your credit union is willing to pay for the work to be prioritized? Check out the Initiating a Special Project Request page; we’d love to work with you on your custom project.
How long will it take to get a response?
Expect a reply in about 6-8 weeks. You’ll usually be asked to join in a dialogue with our team as we debate feasibility and techniques that might turn your idea into reality. Just remember that not all ideas can be adopted for development.
Something’s broken, I need help now!
Idea Forms are not for emergencies. If you’re experiencing issues with your data or a program isn’t working as warranted, use the AnswerBook or contact our Client Services & Education team directly.
I didn’t hear back yet. Can submissions be tracked?
Since this is a suggestion box, we do not have a formal tracking mechanism for ideas submitted through this channel. If you do not receive a response in 6-8 weeks, feel free to submit your idea again for another try!
How can I tell what you’re already working on?
To see what’s already in the queue, check out Owner’s View. To see what’s on the drawing board, check for a recipe in the Kitchen.

Submit an Idea Form

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My Idea

Remember to be descriptive.
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June 23, 2023

SSAE SOC 1 Reports Now Available

SSAE SOC 1 Reports Now Available

CU*Answers has completed its SSAE-18 SOC 1 audits for Fiscal Year 2023. You can download the reports here: CU*BASE Application Processing and Managed Hosting Services System CU*BASE Development System Network Management Services System As a reminder, the CU*Answers Due Diligence page is a central, convenient location for you and your auditors to request or download… Read more »

May 17, 2024