Submit An Idea

Collaborate, Invest, Invent

Engage with Us!

As a cooperative, our mission is to help our credit union clients and owners achieve their goals and dreams. One way we can do that is to ensure that the tools and solutions we are developing are moving in a direction that fits those goals and dreams. So your voice matters!

There are many ways to engage with us, from day-to-day interactions with our client support and professional services teams to the hundreds of education sessions we offer every year. But if you have a specific idea you’d like to suggest, here are your best avenues:

conversations on logoTaking focus groups to a new level! Join your peers and add your voice to conversations on credit union core disciplines, tools for members and employees, and the latest buzz.

Find a Conversations On… Group

Developer's Help DeskIf you’re ready to invest and want your project to be assured a place in the queue, check out the Developer’s Help Desk. We’d love to work with you on your custom project!

Learn More About the DHD

Idea FormsThis is our version of a suggestion box. Any employee, any idea, any time. If you think it’ll benefit members and the network, we want to hear your idea!

Learn How to Submit an Idea Form

What is an Idea Form?
Think suggestion box. A place to dream, and to engage others who might share your dream and be able to make it come true.
Just remember that like a suggestion box, it’s not a formal request for work to be done. We may not always be in a position to invest the resources in every idea that comes along, even if it’s a great one!
What if I’m willing to pay for this?
Is your idea more than just a suggestion, but a project where your credit union is willing to pay for the work to be prioritized? Check out the Initiating a Special Project Request page; we’d love to work with you on your custom project.
How long will it take to get a response?
Expect a reply in about 6-8 weeks. You’ll usually be asked to join in a dialogue with our team as we debate feasibility and techniques that might turn your idea into reality. Just remember that not all ideas can be adopted for development.
Something’s broken, I need help now!
Idea Forms are not for emergencies. If you’re experiencing issues with your data or a program isn’t working as warranted, use the AnswerBook or contact our Client Services & Education team directly.
I didn’t hear back yet. Can submissions be tracked?
Since this is a suggestion box, we do not have a formal tracking mechanism for ideas submitted through this channel. If you do not receive a response in 6-8 weeks, feel free to submit your idea again for another try!
How can I tell what you’re already working on?
To see what’s already in the queue, check out Owner’s View. To see what’s on the drawing board, check for a recipe in the Kitchen.
How do I submit an Idea Form?
Log in to CU*BASE GOLD as usual. Click the Network Links button Network Links along the bottom of any screen. Click on “Submit and Idea” then follow the instructions.
June 23, 2023

Let Your Members Know About Winter Closings with Mobile Alerts, Powered by CU*Publisher

Let Your Members Know About Winter Closings with Mobile Alerts, Powered by CU*Publisher

As the months grow colder and the potential for winter storms increases, wouldn’t it be convenient to let your members know that specific branch locations will be closing?  Look no further than Mobile Alerts!  Powered by CU*Publisher, this tool allows you to configure routine or one-time alerts for different platforms on both Android and iOS…. Read more »

Nov 30, 2023

Check Out the November 2023 Edition of the Innovation Center Newsletter!

Check Out the November 2023 Edition of the Innovation Center Newsletter!

The November 2023 edition of Innovation in Vegas: A Quarterly Update is here!  Check out this latest edition of the Innovation Center newsletter for a look at some hot topics relating to the Las Vegas office, including an upcoming 1Click Loan Workshop and a spotlight on the Innovation Center team! View this Quarter’s Newsletter Stay… Read more »

Nov 29, 2023

Check Out the NEW Topics Featured in this Edition of AnswerBook Digest!

Check Out the NEW Topics Featured in this Edition of AnswerBook Digest!

AnswerBook is your go-to knowledge base for questions relating to CU*BASE software, products and services from CU*Answers.  In this edition of AnswerBook Digest, we’re placing a spotlight on the following: When I review Tool #877 Trial Balance GL Verification, all my G/Ls are in balance, but my Loan Balances are red (out of balance) in… Read more »

Nov 29, 2023

Join Lender*VP for a Conversation on 1Click Loans!

Join Lender*VP for a Conversation on 1Click Loans!

Join Lender*VP for our upcoming Conversation On 1Click Loans!  Learn from other credit unions in the network what it is that they love about 1Click Loans.  Engage in discussions about what is working and what is not, explore credit union policies and procedures, and so much more! We invite you to bring your own policies… Read more »

Nov 29, 2023

Have You Heard About CU Info?

Have You Heard About CU Info?

Have You Heard About CU Info? CU Info allows you to dynamically update your credit union’s information across CU*Publisher products like your Membership Opening sites (MAP/MOP), Mobile 6.0 and the upcoming Biz Mobile 1.0 and Micro Apps. What Info Can I Manage? In addition to managing the members of your CU*Publisher team, you can edit… Read more »

Nov 28, 2023

Reminder: The AB_23.12 Analytics Booth Release Arrives December 10th

Reminder: The AB_23.12 Analytics Booth Release Arrives December 10th

The Asterisk Intelligence Team is excited to present the AB_23.12 Analytics Booth Release, arriving to Analytics Booth subscribers on Sunday, December 10th!  This release features: A new Alert and Report workflow with Smart Alerts Enhancements to the Member Management page for Admins Modifications to Trends and Trends Peer Comparison pages And more! View the Release… Read more »

Nov 28, 2023