Online Banking Optics

Collect and Analyze NEW Data

Switch on a premium data set for data analysts and marketing directors to study – Online Banking Optics!

Brought to you by the CU*Answers Asterisk Intelligence team, Online Banking Optics offers access to otherwise unavailable specifics of your member’s activity and usage of digital services within It’s Me 247 Online Banking.

This data is for:

  1. Data analysts
  2. Marketing Directors
  3. Digital Service Managers

Online Banking Optics automatically records the details of 45+ specific choices that a member makes in It’s Me 247 Online Banking, via either desktop or mobile devices (some mobile app actions are exceptions)

Prerequisite: *Data Warehouse is required*

Use Online Banking Optics to analyze member engagement and habits with your digital services, understand online service penetration, and study member’s non-transactional needs.

Online Banking Optics Overview


Analyze the choices and paths that members follow through when they are digitally banking. Answer questions like:

Where does my member go next after checking my loan rate board?

What type of actions are commonly done together in a single visit to online banking?


Non-Transactional Data Analysis =

Working with supplemental or indirectly
available data that provides context, color,
or explanation to the standard “necessary”
data we record from execution of normal
transactions and maintenance in the system.

Analyze data from member’s navigational actions which serve as a window of objective data into the member’s needs and preferences when using online banking digital services.

Are members logging in most often to look up information? Or are they most often doing work to manage their account?

What features are members most often engaging with prior to opening a new account?


Analyze engagement for the first time on digital self-service features that you turn on – Watch them after activation to pick up early engagement number, or audit later as you review features and costs.

How many clicks am I getting on the special eInfo notice that I posted this month?

Is the option to download transaction details being used often enough to justify my costs for the feature?


Phone: 800-327-3478 x870




October 28, 2021

Analyze Courtesy Pay Fees and Make Informed Decisions for Your Organization

Analyze Courtesy Pay Fees and Make Informed Decisions for Your Organization

Courtesy Pay fee programs have been a topic of national attention in 2022, with several national banks deciding to adjust their fee schedules, prompting many more financial institutions to start scrutinizing their own practices. How many of your members are currently using these services?  What types of transactions are causing these fees?  What would happen… Read more »

Sep 8, 2022

Asterisk Intelligence Presents: Custom Queries and Training Opportunities

Asterisk Intelligence Presents: Custom Queries and Training Opportunities

Did you know?  The Asterisk Intelligence team can help build a query for custom reports or data mining insights for your credit union!  These query results will be provided as a database file in your QUERYxx CU*BASE library.  Training is also available upon request, so that you can run the query on your own in… Read more »

Aug 25, 2022

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for several educational events, hosted at the Innovation Center in Las Vegas, Nevada! Between Monday, September 12th and Wednesday, September 14th, we will be hosting on-site training at the CU*Answers Innovation Center.  Then, on Thursday, September 15th, we will be hosting a series of webinars.  During these courses, we will… Read more »

Aug 23, 2022

Engage Your Board of Directors with a Dive into Analytics Booth!

Engage Your Board of Directors with a Dive into Analytics Booth!

Board Member engagement is critical to the health and success of your credit union.  Some of the most important contributions your board can make come from asking the right questions and challenging the status quo. If you’re looking to further engage your Board of Directors, Asterisk Intelligence can support your initiative with an educational briefing… Read more »

Aug 18, 2022

Analytics Booth surpasses 2,800 days of historical credit union operational performance trending data

Asterisk Intelligence, the data analytics and data warehousing team at CU*Answers, is excited to announce that Analytics Booth, their web based operational trending application has recently surpassed 2,800 days of historical operational data available for trending and analysis. “Analytics Booth tracks and trends thousands of credit union operational metrics each and every day,” said Thomas […]

Aug 17, 2022

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for several educational events, hosted at the Innovation Center in Las Vegas, Nevada! Between Monday, September 12th and Wednesday, September 14th, we will be hosting on-site training at the CU*Answers Innovation Center.  Then, on Thursday, September 15th, we will be hosting a series of webinars.  During these courses, we will… Read more »

Aug 17, 2022

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for several educational events, hosted at the Innovation Center in Las Vegas, Nevada! Between Monday, September 12th and Wednesday, September 14th, we will be hosting on-site training at the CU*Answers Innovation Center.  Then, on Thursday, September 15th, we will be hosting a series of webinars.  During these courses, we will… Read more »

Aug 15, 2022

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for several educational events, hosted at the Innovation Center in Las Vegas, Nevada! Between Monday, September 12th and Wednesday, September 14th, we will be hosting on-site training at the CU*Answers Innovation Center.  Then, on Thursday, September 15th, we will be hosting a series of webinars.  During these courses, we will… Read more »

Aug 11, 2022

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join Us for Asterisk Intelligence Week, Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for several educational events, hosted at the Innovation Center in Las Vegas, Nevada! Between Monday, September 12th and Wednesday, September 14th, we will be hosting on-site training at the CU*Answers Innovation Center.  Then, on Thursday, September 15th, we will be hosting a series of webinars.  During these courses, we will… Read more »

Aug 9, 2022