Optics Data

Premium Optics data sets are available to activate for projects to study non-transactional data that clues you in to the operational and relational aspects of your credit union. Turn on one or more of these available data sets to amplify your data projects with non-transactional data!

  • Online Banking Optics
  • Phone Optics
  • Card Activity Optics (coming soon)

Non-Transactional Data Analysis = A project using non-traditional data that fills in the gaps and adds context, color, or explanation to the typical system transaction and maintenance records.

Online Banking Optics

Brought to you by the CU*Answers Asterisk Intelligence team, Online Banking Optics offers access to otherwise unseen details of your member’s activity and usage of digital services within It’s Me 247 Online Banking (including applicable mobile options).

Use Online Banking Optics to analyze member engagement and habits with your digital services, understand online service penetration, and study member’s non-transactional needs.


Phone Optics

Brought to you by Xtend and the CU*Answers Asterisk Intelligence team, Phone Optics offers access to otherwise unavailable specifics of your call center staff’s activity within the Phone Operator tool. Actions taken to support a member are a window into the non-transactional needs and inquiries of the member, as well as the required efforts of your staff.


Card Activity Optics – COMING SOON!

Brought to you by the CU*Answers SettleMINT and Asterisk Intelligence teams, Card Activity Optics is a premium data set currently in development which will open up access to otherwise unseen details of card traffic that interacts with the CU*BASE system, including activity records which did not result in a posted transaction.

Card Activity Optics will help you analyze and act on insights from the traffic patterns for your ATM, debit, and credit card activity, including enhanced transactional details and merchant category data.


October 28, 2021

2021 Year-End Online Credit Card Scorecard

2021 Year-End Online Credit Card Scorecard

Your Online Credit Card Portfolio can generate substantial value to your credit union – everything from interest and interchange income to increased member engagement and retention.  Your online credit card portfolio not only helps to keep the credit union at the top of members’ wallets but is also an extremely visible differentiator, separating the pricing… Read more »

Jan 6, 2022

Register for Asterisk Intelligence Week at CU*Answers

Register for Asterisk Intelligence Week at CU*Answers

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for one or more sessions in the September Asterisk Intelligence Week! Options include both skills and strategy sessions! During the event, participants will review and discuss data analytics, data management, and data warehousing solutions and strategies. Also available by popular demand is an entire day of tactical skills instruction on… Read more »

Sep 2, 2021