Phone Optics

Collect and Analyze NEW Data

Turn on a premium data set for call center managers and data analysts – Phone Support Optics!

Brought to you by the CU*Answers Asterisk Intelligence team, Phone Support Optics offers access to otherwise unavailable specifics of your call center staff’s activity within the Phone Operator tool

This data is for:

  1. Call Center Mangers
  2. Data Analysts
  3. Operations Officer

Phone Support Optics automatically records the details of 41 various actions that your call center staff performs in the Phone Operator tool. Actions taken to support a member are a window into the needs of the member and the required efforts of your staff.

Prerequisite: *Data Warehouse is required*

Phone Support Optics Overview


Review employee usage of the Phone Operator tool to look for potential areas where training or operational adjustments may be required.

Are my staff taking too many steps to handle password or PIN resets?
How much time is being spent reviewing account histories compared to other support functions?


Develop a deeper understanding of who is picking up the phone to call you, and study the objective data on
why they are calling – even if no transaction is recorded.

How many loan payoff requests are coming in via phone?
Which members are repeatedly calling for just a transaction history recap? How many and how often?


Non-Transactional Data Analysis =

Working with supplemental or indirectly
available data that provides context, color,
or explanation to the standard “necessary”
data we record from execution of normal
transactions and maintenance in the system.

Analyze data from call center staff’s navigational actions which serve as a window of objective data telling us what operational steps and member services were necessary to handle phone support inquires.

How many calls are only for a quick inquiry – loan payoff requests?
Does the navigational data confirm traditional wrap-up code or tracker reporting we’re already doing?



Sign up for Phone Optics Data Collection Today!

Order Phone Optics Data Collection


Sign up for Phone Support with Optics Today!

Order Phone Support with Optics

Phone: 800-327-3478 x870

September 3, 2021

Asterisk Intelligence Presents: Custom Queries and Training Opportunities

Asterisk Intelligence Presents: Custom Queries and Training Opportunities

Did you know?  The Asterisk Intelligence team can help build a query for custom reports or data mining insights for your credit union!  These query results will be provided as a database file in your QUERYxx CU*BASE library.  Training is also available upon request, so that you can run the query on your own in… Read more »

Feb 24, 2022

Today’s Quick Tip for Managing Your Data Warehouse: Know What “Access” Means

Today’s Quick Tip for Managing Your Data Warehouse: Know What “Access” Means

We’ve collected questions that have come across the Asterisk Intelligence desk and have put together a series of tips for your organization to manage your Asterisk Intelligence Data Warehouse.  Ongoing attention to data quality and established procedures can help avoid a messy or frustrating database down the road. Today’s tip: know what “access” means (refer… Read more »

Feb 23, 2022

Today’s Quick Tip for Managing Your Data Warehouse: Create Rules for Uploading & Share These Internally

Today’s Quick Tip for Managing Your Data Warehouse: Create Rules for Uploading & Share These Internally

We’ve collected questions that have come across the Asterisk Intelligence desk and have put together a series of tips for your organization to manage your Asterisk Intelligence Data Warehouse.  Ongoing attention to data quality and established procedures can help avoid a messy or frustrating database down the road. Today’s Tip: create rules for uploading and… Read more »

Feb 22, 2022

Announcing the Winner of the Analytics Booth Deep Dive Week Giveaway!

Announcing the Winner of the Analytics Booth Deep Dive Week Giveaway!

During this week’s Deep Dive webinar series, the Analytics Booth team hosted a drawing for one lucky attendee to win a new iPad.  We are pleased to announce the winner of this drawing: Edwina Suzuki of Hawaii Central Federal Credit Union Thank you to all who participated in the Analytics Booth Deep Dive Week events! … Read more »

Feb 18, 2022

NEW! Scorecard Service Levels, Now Available

NEW! Scorecard Service Levels, Now Available

Asterisk Intelligence’s most popular Scorecards just got even better! Scorecards offer enhanced insights into specific areas of operations, such as your credit card portfolio, call center activity, and loan portfolio – each affordably packaged into easily consumable formats and packed full of operational insights. You’ve asked, and we’ve listened!  By popular demand, we have built… Read more »

Feb 16, 2022

Asterisk Intelligence now offering service levels for Scorecards

Asterisk Intelligence, a data analytics team at CU*Answers, has recently introduced multiple “Service Levels” to their popular operational Scorecards. Service levels allow credit union partners to select optional or related services when placing their order for any of Asterisk Intelligence’s Scorecards. “Asterisk Intelligence takes pride in empowering credit unions to act on insights,” said Thomas […]

Feb 11, 2022

Gain More from Your Data – Join Us for a Week of Deep Dives into Analytics Booth!

Gain More from Your Data – Join Us for a Week of Deep Dives into Analytics Booth!

We invite you to learn more about how Analytics Booth can help credit unions monetize data using automated tools that help create visually appealing insights and statistical analysis, which can be used to measure against business plans.  We will be hosting several courses (detailed below) from Monday, February 14th through Thursday, February 17th.  After you’ve… Read more »

Feb 2, 2022

“Data Fact” program expands to network partners

Asterisk Intelligence, a data analytics team at CU*Answers, has partnered with CU*SOUTH to provide Data Fact email services to the Alabama-based cooperative. “Data Facts” are an outbound email program designed to increase awareness of data driven tools, tactics, and approaches which are available within CU*Answers’ suite of applications. CU*Answers’ Business Intelligence Analysts send Data Fact […]

Jan 17, 2022

How can Analytics Booth Strengthen Your Current Business Plan?

How can Analytics Booth Strengthen Your Current Business Plan?

Your credit union processes transactions every minute, every hour, every day – thousands of pieces of data are getting generated, collected and stored.  With Analytics Booth, you can track and trend your credit union’s data and have it delivered wherever and whenever you want it! Join the Analytics Booth Executive Management series and learn how… Read more »

Mar 9, 2022