Quick Tips

Catch up with the AI Team’s most recent top projects, new software features we’re using, and advice to help avoid the same pitfalls we and your peers are hitting. Some tips come from our credit union partners and some tips are from our own work that we’d like to share. When new questions come in, or a particularly common project keeps coming up, you might just see some of the solutions posted here!

What data projects are you currently focused on and how can we help? The Asterisk Intelligence team specializes in data analytics and data warehousing for credit unions. Contact us at ai@cuanswers.com.

May 5, 2020

2021 Year-End Online Credit Card Scorecard

2021 Year-End Online Credit Card Scorecard

Your Online Credit Card Portfolio can generate substantial value to your credit union – everything from interest and interchange income to increased member engagement and retention.  Your online credit card portfolio not only helps to keep the credit union at the top of members’ wallets but is also an extremely visible differentiator, separating the pricing… Read more »

Jan 6, 2022

Register for Asterisk Intelligence Week at CU*Answers

Register for Asterisk Intelligence Week at CU*Answers

Join the Asterisk Intelligence team for one or more sessions in the September Asterisk Intelligence Week! Options include both skills and strategy sessions! During the event, participants will review and discuss data analytics, data management, and data warehousing solutions and strategies. Also available by popular demand is an entire day of tactical skills instruction on… Read more »

Sep 2, 2021