Conversations on Fraud

conversations on fraud

Conversations on Fraud

Welcome to Conversations on Fraud. Is fraud prevention a part of your organization’s ongoing conversation regarding your mission, vision, and goals? Does your staff know their risks and either mitigate or accept them? Is it all too common to have long-term trusted employees or family be the fraudster? Do you have a plan to trust and verify your staff? Let’s start the conversation together. This is an open forum discussion on Fraud, CU*BASE Fraud Tools, internal procedures, and CU*BASE process.

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March 24, 2023

Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

The FFIEC and CFPB are urging credit unions to identify and monitor high-risk activity amongst their member base.  The transaction pattern option within the Abnormal Activity Monitoring CU*BASE tool was designed to assist credit unions with meeting that requirement.  These patterns need to be configured specific to your credit union, as each credit union has… Read more »

Jan 4, 2022

Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

Abnormal Activity Monitoring for Transaction Patterns – Using The Tools You Own to Mitigate Risk

The FFIEC and CFPB are urging credit unions to identify and monitor high-risk activity amongst their member base.  The transaction pattern option within the Abnormal Activity Monitoring CU*BASE tool was designed to assist credit unions with meeting that requirement.  These patterns need to be configured specific to your credit union, as each credit union has… Read more »

Sep 1, 2021