
Contact Conversion Team

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See what options you might use for your upcoming Conversion to CU*BASE
Conversion Store

The Conversion Team is your contact for Conversion, Mergers, and Migrations. With over 55 combined years of experience, our team members will lead your credit union through the tasks for a successful conversion or merger to CU*BASE. Our team’s expertise comes from years of credit union experience, CU*BASE experience, and a vast knowledge level of the CU*BASE tools. To ensure a successful project, we will engage your team approx. 6 months prior to your conversion or merger using education tools, training, recurring communications, etc. Once the project is complete, we will transition the credit union to our Client Service and Education team to continue learning not only all of the new, exciting features of CU*BASE but the many other opportunities here at CU*Answers.

September 20, 2023

Join Us for a Conversation On Mergers and CU Partnerships!

Join Us for a Conversation On Mergers and CU Partnerships!

Join us for a conversation on Mergers and CU Partnerships!  Designed for clients who are considering mergers or strategic partnerships/alignments, this event will explore different merger options that are available and how involved parties will need to prepare.  Additionally, we’ll share insights from clients who have previously participated in mergers. This Conversations On Mergers/CU Partnerships… Read more »

Sep 7, 2023

Join Us for a Conversation On Mergers and CU Partnerships!

Join Us for a Conversation On Mergers and CU Partnerships!

Join us for a conversation on Mergers and CU Partnerships!  Designed for clients who are considering mergers or strategic partnerships/alignments, this event will explore different merger options that are available and how involved parties will need to prepare.  Additionally, we’ll share insights from clients who have previously participated in mergers. This Conversations On Mergers/CU Partnerships… Read more »

Feb 23, 2023