Mandate Review

Mandates – What are they?

Network vendors in the card processing marketplace deliver important communications to their clients and data processors that can contain required programming changes and important information, sometimes with short deadline dates. These are referred to as “Mandates”.

Mandates can be a result of regulation changes, VISA/MasterCard rules, or improved processing or changes from the EFT vendor. We want to keep you updated on how our priorities are set and changes that are forced into those priorities for platform compliance.

We use communications from the EFT vendors delivered through our  ‘Mandate” delivery channel or directly from you! We appreciate the time you take to insure we are up to date on these requirements!

Please forward these communications to the SettleMINT EFT Team at so we can keep everyone informed!

We appreciate your input.

Questions can be sent to

February 13, 2018

Reminder: Increase to Per Transaction Fees Coming to iPay February 2022

Reminder: Increase to Per Transaction Fees Coming to iPay February 2022

Attention credit unions using iPay bill pay As a reminder, effective February 1st, 2022, iPay will be implementing a 3% increase on their per transaction fees.  Following this increase, these fees will become $0.675 per transaction.  These price increases will be reflected starting with your March 2022 invoice. If you have any questions, please reach… Read more »

Feb 1, 2022

2021 Year-End Online Credit Card Scorecard

2021 Year-End Online Credit Card Scorecard

Your Online Credit Card Portfolio can generate substantial value to your credit union – everything from interest and interchange income to increased member engagement and retention.  Your online credit card portfolio not only helps to keep the credit union at the top of members’ wallets but is also an extremely visible differentiator, separating the pricing… Read more »

Jan 6, 2022