Online Credit Cards

Expand your Credit Card Options: Credit Card Services

credit cardsAre you ready to expand your credit card options and have access to your accounts on CUBASE? If the answer is Yes (and why wouldn’t be) then get to work on it!

Our partners are excited to be able to offer all of our Credit Unions what they call pass through access options to CU*Answers in-house credit card solutions.


See what SettleMINT EFT has to offer!

SettleMINT EFT products are now available to order in the store.

Shop SettleMINT EFT

By submitting a store request it will give us the information necessary to provide you with a breakdown of the project. Then we will schedule a meeting to discuss the specific timeline that would apply to your project.

We look forward to working with you to enhance your credit card offerings for your members.

What You’ll Find in this Document

The guide will give you a complete roadmap from start to finish including a FAQ section.

Credit Cards: User Guide
Guide to In-house Credit Card Processing

We Support Business Credit Cards

Did you know not only does CU*BASE have great consumer credit card options, but a lot of those same features can also be used for Business Credit Card processing! While it may be a little different than you are used to, there are so many benefits to your credit union and your members.

Learn More about SettleMINT’s Business Credit Card Options

More Information

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December 11, 2023

Reminder: Increase to Per Transaction Fees Coming to iPay February 2022

Reminder: Increase to Per Transaction Fees Coming to iPay February 2022

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Your Online Credit Card Portfolio can generate substantial value to your credit union – everything from interest and interchange income to increased member engagement and retention.  Your online credit card portfolio not only helps to keep the credit union at the top of members’ wallets but is also an extremely visible differentiator, separating the pricing… Read more »

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