New Enhancements Available for CU Publisher Admins

New Enhancements Available for CU Publisher Admins

Admins Get Enhancements! CU Publisher Admins can now create new CU Publisher users for their team.  Admins can even create other admins too! To access this new feature, simply log into CU Publisher and look for the purple Add User icon.  Enter your team member’s information, CU Publisher access, and Admin privilege, and a new email… Read more »

Nov 15, 2023

Don’t Fall Behind – Complete Your IBM iAccess Upgrades Today!

Don’t Fall Behind – Complete Your IBM iAccess Upgrades Today!

It’s time to upgrade IBM iAccess (used for print sessions) to – this update is required for all CU*Answers clients, in order to keep workstations up to date with currently-supported software.  The updates will need to be applied to all of your CU*BASE workstations and must be completed by 1/31/2024. Your IT staff can… Read more »

Nov 13, 2023

2023 Year-End Bulletin #3: Your First Deadline is Tuesday!

2023 Year-End Bulletin #3: Your First Deadline is Tuesday!

2023 Year-End Processing Bulletin #3: November Deadline Reminder REMINDER: We are no longer mailing paper copies of the year-end processing guide to your credit union! Keep an eye on Client News and these bulletins for important information, vendor updates, deadline changes, reminders, and more.   Updates and Information November 10th, 2023 Time is closing in… Read more »

Nov 10, 2023

Recommendations from Lender*VP – Document Retention for Denied Applications

Recommendations from Lender*VP – Document Retention for Denied Applications

What is your credit union’s current retention plan for documents relating to denied applications?  Lender*VP has recommendations for your credit union, as detailed below. Lender*VP recommends that any/all relevant documentation and information that is used to deny loan applications should be saved by your credit union for a period of at least 25 months.  Relevant… Read more »

Nov 9, 2023